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Welcome to 

Nucleus 2021


Register Now For The Virtual Event

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Nucleus 2021

An apostolic and prophetic conference that will help increase 
your Knowledge of the BAPEST MODEL while fully Understanding the APOSTOLIC and PROPHETIC MINISTRIES and the effects it has on your local context! 


The Nucleus Conference trains and equips leaders who are connected to Apostolic Distributions Centers (ADC)and their teams on how to establish, structure and carry out the apostolic vision God has given them. The Conference will empower men and women in biblical foundations and principles that have been found to be practical and applicable in their local ministry. There will also be impartations and activations in God’s supernatural power in the area of the 5 fold ministry so they can impact and transform their local communities.


JANUARY 16, 2021



E-Campus Virtual Platform


10am - 2pm est


The Apostolic Mission

This conference was created for people who want to advance in their apostolic calling, people who recognize that God has called him/her to a greater work. This teaching and training will help those people fulfill their purpose and destiny as apostolic leaders! 

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To Create Impact.

Without the supernatural power of God and the Bapest leaders our ministries would be irrelevant, with no impact whatsoever. Now more than ever we need to be activated and trained to overcome the kingdom of darkness. We need to learn and show how to demonstrate power of God through miracles, signs, wonders and the expulsion of demons.

To Network with other 5 fold ministry leaders.

And he Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ 
Ephesians 4:11-12


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Virtual Conference

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Virtual Conference

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